Cordyceps militaris (Scarlet Caterpillar Fungus)

SGD 50.00
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Another first in Singapore! Our Cordyceps militaris are grown on an insect-free pharmaceutical grade formulation that promises only the very best quality, food-grade mushrooms. These highly-revered adaptogens are famed for their immunomodulating and anti-cancer properties, but are also recognised for their ability to increase the lungs’ capacity for oxygen intake.

This panacea of herbs can also be taken as a tonic for general health and wellness. It’s versatility also ensures its use in culinary delights around the globe.

To make Cordyceps tea, you only need 2-3g fresh mushrooms (or 1g dried mushrooms) to 300ml of water, per adult. For children, we recommend half the dosage.

Cordyceps militaris is not an easy mushroom to grow in Singapore, as they have very specific growth parameters. Please ensure that you are able to provide for these parameters before purchasing. Do not open the lid or remove filter patch during the growing stage.

All Cordyceps militaris grow kits are made to order and will require 2 weeks of waiting time before they are ready for delivery or self-collection.

DO NOT consume more than the recommended dosage as these are potent mushrooms and are nothing like those available on the market in Singapore. Always consult your doctor or physician before consuming these herbal mushrooms. This is not a mushroom to be complacent with.


Temperature: 20-23C (24 hours)
Relative Humidity: 70-75%
Air Exchanges (Per Hour): 0
Light: 600 lux
Misting: None

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